In Oman, camels are herded just like cattle. Near Salalah, during khareesh, the camel herds are brought down from the mountains to feast on the lush greenery of the coastal plains. Their owners let them range freely, including even sometimes wandering across the major north-south motorway. We're told the camel herds are left to graze during the day, then they wander their way back home before sunset for a routine feeding - they always seem to know their way home it seems. These are traditions that go back centuries. 

Camel meat, milk, and other products are big business here. When asked what happens if a car accidently hits a camel crossing the road. We're told that more often than not, the driver has to pay the cost of the lost camel to the owner. That's how much of a priority they are!
There are DOZENS of herds like this, seen as you drive down the highway.
We encounter these guys at the Khor Rori UNESCO world heritage site.
We encounter these guys at the Khor Rori UNESCO world heritage site.
These are Omani cattle, not camels...but same idea!
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