Church of the Apostles Barnabas and Hilarion
(Agii Varnavas and Ilarionas)
Built in the late 11th century AD (adding to an older 10th century church), the Church of the Apostles Barnabas and Hilarion (Agii Varnavas and Ilarionas) in Peristerona, Cyprus, is one of only two five-domed medieval churches in Cyprus, and is unique in its Cypriot Byzantine design. The church's bell tower and narthex (front facade) were added in the 19th century. Unfortunately, we visited (in December of last year) at a time when the church was closed, so we were unable to view the church's interior, including its remaining 15th-16th century wall paintings and 16th century iconostasis altar doors - definite reasons to return. That and we very much enjoyed exploring this small village and especially the hospitality of the coffee shop across the square!
Peristerona Mosque
Mosque in Peristerona, Cyprus, considered one of the oldest on the island. Some have suggested that its Gothic elements indicate the mosque was converted from an even older Orthodox church. Officially declared an Ancient Monument in 2012, the building sat vacant for years, but is now undergoing restoration.

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